Collection: Collection Mami KANNO

Whether unique pieces or in small series, his works in stoneware, porcelain and Raku are of magnificent simplicity. They revisit the roots of Japanese culture by integrating a contemporary touch.

Mami was born in Tokyo. A graduate of the Tokyo University of Visual Arts, she also holds a Master's degree from the University of Paris Ⅷ and a DEA from the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations in Paris.
She has exhibited since 2003 in Paris, Tokyo and Switzerland. His works in stoneware, porcelain and Raku are of magnificent simplicity. They revisit the roots of Japanese culture by integrating a contemporary touch. She masters and carries out everything herself, from the design and research of the clay, to the cooking at very high temperatures. All of his creations are unique, handmade pieces.

Mami's work is today supported by many journalists, chefs of starred restaurants as well as specialists in the traditional tea ceremony. She also creates many pieces for tableware. In Japan, for example, we call the side of a bowl or plate the “landscape”. It is in harmony with the climate, the season and the spirit of the present moment.

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